about that girl.

I have never been self-confident when it came to relationships. I started dating at the young age of 14 and started worrying about being pregnant just as the dating started. So I’d say I was quite too young. In my life I went through a lot failures when it came to relationships, but I never had someone to show me how it functions. My parents got divorced when I was 11 and we never were close in my family anyway. I didn’t know what love means.

In my teenage years I dated lots and lots of young (and not so young) guys, which was much of trouble for me most of the time. But I always ended up being hurt or sad or depressed. But I did enjoy the attention I got and always needed it. But still no luck in finding the one.

Shortly before I turned 23, I met a boy I would have never thought would become such a big part in my life. Although at the time it was perfect and I wanted to have kids with him. It was my first real long-term-relationship though. Sadly, we had different future plans and he had lots of personal issues, as well as making me get anxiety and panic attacks, so I broke up with him after being together for 1 year and 2 months.

Life is hard, but you still gotta put your hands onto it and mend it the way you want it to. Better to be single, than unhappy in a relationship. I do have quite a messy life and there’s lots of personal stuff involved. Mood swings, depression, father issues, but also funny dates, great friends and a wonderful family (mostly anyway)…

We’ll see whatย life brings us, so join my journey of finding the one


  1. I found your blog from a comment you left on Madeline Harper’s and thought I would come take a look. I write about being divorced and dating (and lots of sex) and look forward to perusing your posts.


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